Want to meet C. S. Friedman? Hear her read excerpts from her newest works? Buy her latest book and get it signed by her? You’ll find all the latest on news and events for Celia here.

New Covers

New Covers

Just saw the cover for THIS VIRTUAL NIGHT.  Very modern and dramatic. As this is now turning into a series, DAW also designed a new cover for THIS ALIEN SHORE, in the same style.  I love them both!  Future books in the Outworlds universe will match.

This Virtual Night Coming in 2020

This Virtual Night Coming in 2020

ON ITS WAY….THIS VIRTUAL NIGHT, set in the same universe as her bestselling novel THIS ALIEN SHORE. The manuscript is about to be delivered to DAW, and the hardcover and Ebook are scheduled for release on October 2020. Updates will be posted here.

Celia is Teaching a Writing Class!

Celia is Teaching a Writing Class!

This September Celia will be teaching an eight week class in speculative fiction for the Writer’s Center. It’s online, so anyone can join, and it will focus on the special skills needed to write fantasy and science fiction.

Students will get personal critiques from Celia on both short writing exercises and long term projects, as well as participating in peer critique discussions. By the end of the class each student will have written and polished a short story that is suitable for submission to a genre publication.

Check it out:



If there was an alien artifact that could bring peace and prosperity to all humankind, would you really want to bring it home?

I don’t write many short stories, but this one’s coming out this summer, in the anthology Alien Artifacts, and I’m very excited about it.

Here’s a link with more info:

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